Techcrunch: people increasingly familiar with bitcoin; majority trust it

bitcoinTechcrunch posted an interesting article that examines the results of a recent international survey around Bitcoin. It turns out that over a quarter of the people surveyed in the US have heard of Bitcoin, and the majority of those people trust the digital currency. From the article:

So what do U.S. consumers make of Bitcoin right now? Well, according to the survey, just over a quarter (25.3%) have heard of the crypto currency — which means the U.S. is lagging the other two countries also surveyed for the poll, Argentina and the U.K. In those nations, Bitcoin awareness is apparently in the region of a third, with 37.9% and 32.2% Bitcoin-aware respondents respectively. However it’s worth flagging that the research polled far fewer consumers in Argentina and the U.K. (760 and 2,731, respectively) so the margin of error is likely to be higher.

I’m a little surprised by the results and would be interested to learn how the survey was conducted. I know that in my own circle of friends, the overwhelming majority have never heard of Bitcoin. Still, it’s encouraging to see that  awareness around cryptocurrency seems to be increasing.

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